Unearthing our Stories.
About Us
The Sikh American History Project is a project dedicated to unearthing, preserving, and promoting the centuries of history of Sikhs in the United States. We are a group of scholars, students, and community members who have come together after being inspired by the lesser known stories of our community and recognizing the need to preserve them and our physical history.
Our goal is to create and promote public scholarship about our community.
We envision this website as a comprehensive and robust online home for our Sikh American history
We promote:
A deeper understanding of our history within our community
The Study of full and rich history of the Sikh American experience
Preservation and conservation of our stories, sites, and objects
Our story as part of the American story
The development of a network of those interested in our shared history
We are a registered, tax-exempt organization, and have 501(c)(3) non-profit status with the IRS. You may verify our status here. Our donations are managed by the Dasvandh Network (DVN), a Sikh donor collective committed to inspire giving in our community and develop organizations serving our sangat. They will issue you a tax-deductible receipt for your contributions.